A blog about planning, planning law and planning policy


The information on this blog is not intended to be advice, legal or otherwise. You should not rely on it and I do not accept liability in connection with it. If you do have a planning law question on which you would like advice, seek legal advice from a suitably qualified solicitor. Specific advice should be sought for specific problems.

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It’s a SNIP. And why judicial review is a vital check on government

Rookery South Energy from Waste Facility was the first case to go through the infrastructure planning system introduced by the Planning Act 2008, and it was my privilege to represent two of the parties, the local authorities. It is however also proving to be the slowest – perhaps it is inevitable that the first flushes […]

The Lobster Cuadrilla – lessons from a long summer at Balcombe

Those with long memories will recall that in the mid-1980s the Government consulted on four routes across Kent for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link. The routes were drawn with a thick line which scaled up to a couple of miles across. Apart from threatening four times as many people than was necessary, the populace in […]

Community Infrastructure Levy – first scheme approved

The first Inspector’s decision is out on a CIL charging schedule, the document at the heart of any CIL scheme. Newark & Sherwood will be pleased that their schedule was approved. The report provides valuable guidance on CIL. No doubt we will all be reading it carefully.

Viability issues were obviously important. There were differential […]